Our QT Fabrics team extends beyond our employee-owners. We work with creative and dedicated artists to expand our in-house studio talent. We are committed to providing an array of collections suited to many different styles. Collaboration is the QT Fabrics way!
Claudia McKinney
Artist Claudia McKinney, who was struck blind in 1998, “was miraculously cured through the grace of God and later became a renowned best-selling artist.”
Prior to her recovery, McKinney had never created artwork other than dabbling. When she came upon the name Phatpuppy, she adopted the moniker as her artist identity and began to make animal portraits. Her art has been published worldwide.
“I love creating and expressing myself through colors, textures, and fantasy imagery,” McKinney says. “Certain finished artworks act much like a written journal, depicting what I was thinking, feeling, or praying about. Joys, sorrows, and expectations are evident in every piece of my work. Choosing colors that represent these emotions and letting my heart and hands take me to wherever they lead me. Ultimately, I want my artwork to be an inspiration to your own journey and expression. If I can do that, I’ve done my job well.”
McKinney currently lives on a small ranch in southern California with two dogs, five chickens, one rooster, and two turkeys. She is a digital artist that sometimes incorporates AI into her artwork.
- QT Designers
- Ink & Arrow
- Adrian Chesterman
- Amanda Todaro
- Beth Buffington
- Bradley Clark
- Carol Cavalaris
- Christine Graf
- Cindy Sepp
- Claudia McKinney
- Cynthie Fisher
- Dallen Lambson
- Dan Morris
- Dave Bartholet
- Debi Payne
- Dennis Barloga
- Desiree Habicht
- Donna Robertson
- Embellish Express
- EunYoung Otsuki
- Eva Nikolskaya
- Gina Jane Lee
- Heidi Vilkman
- Helz Cuppleditch
- Ink & Arrow
- Jane Maday
- Jerry Gadamus
- Jim Zuckerman
- Jocelyn Benford
- Julia Cairns
- Kate Ward Thacker
- Larry Hersberger
- Larry Zach
- Laurie Stein
- Liza Bea
- Maddalee Studios
- Marcello Corti
- Maria Vashchuk
- Marjorie Sarnat
- Marnie Long
- Mary Tanana
- Menga
- Micki Pace Williams
- Morris Creative Group
- Nicole DeCamp
- Nigel Hemming
- Ninette Parisi
- Ocllo Mason
- Patience Griffin
- Peggy Davis
- Priyadarshini Das Sharma
- QT Designers
- Rebecca Latham
- Reed Johnson
- Robert May
- Sarah Summers
- Stephannie Soebbing
- Suzan Engler
- Tim Bowers
- Tina Cordia
- Turnowsky
- Valerie Khoo